Round-Up of New Features

The response to the official launch of Mealeez last month has been fantastic, with people making use of our unique filtering system to give them alternative ingredients when cooking. We’ve received some great feedback and have a handful of small changes which we hope you’ll enjoy!

Additional Notes on Ingredients

Where appropriate, alternative ingredients now have a button to give more information. For example, this could be to explain how the taste/texture of the recipe will be altered with different ingredients or could give guidance on altering measurements.

Improved Allergy Ingredient Filter

In your account you can type in specific ingredients you are allergic to. To make this process easier, we’ve made sure that the main ingredient in all these items remains at the top of the list. For example, if you are allergic to Tomatoes, “tomatoes” will show up above all other types of tomato, making it easier to find and select.

Faster Loading Times

All areas of the website and app should load lightening quick as we improve the API and the database.

Improved Search Queries

Almost all recipes now have keywords and we’ve indicated what type of cuisine they are, making it easier to find different dishes. Now a search for “Italian”, “Japanese”, “Scottish” etc. will bring up that style of recipe!