Introducing: Food Label Scanning

When we started work on our Android app one of the first things we trialed was scanning food labels to detect if they contained ingredients you might be allergic to. This feature was delayed so we could concentrate on ensuring we got our brilliant recipes area working perfectly.

This week, we returned to the food label scanning feature and we’re delighted to say it is now live on our Android app.

Unlike the hit or miss of barcode scanning, Mealeez doesn’t have to rely on external databases and people submitting product information. By directly scanning the actual ingredients we can get results for a larger variety of products.

It goes without saying that although Mealeez checks the food label against all food ingredients we hold in our database, there may be ingredients that we haven’t added yet. Food scanning should be used as a guide only and you should continue to check food labels carefully.

Food label scanning is available as part of our PLUS subscription. Unsure if it’s right for you? Unlock all features with our 30 day free trial and give it a go!