Dining Out Just Got Easier

One of the most awkward situations we’ve faced when dining out is being offered a look at the “allergy menu” which usually comes in a giant folder, with page after page of ingredient vs. allergen charts that somehow we’re expected to decipher to work out if something is safe to eat.

How many times have you walked into a restaurant, knowing that in twenty minutes time you might be walking back out after going over the menu and discovering there is nothing you can order?

At Mealeez, we stand with those that campaign for “Owen’s Law” – forcing restaurants to explicitly state on menu items if there are allergens present. But we feel this isn’t enough. Restaurants need to list ALL ingredients – not just the top allergens – so that we can be confident that the food we order will be safe to eat.

Our new Restaurants area does just that. We’re working hard to add as many restaurants as we can, letting you know in an instant if there is a dish on the menu that is safe to eat.

We break down each dish into its individual component parts, so that if there is a part of a meal you can’t have, we’ll let you know so you can ask to have it changed/removed.

For PLUS members, you can get a detailed breakdown of the ingredients, and get information on what allergens we have flagged up as well as the option to filter out all unsuitable meals from a menu with the tap of a button.

At launch, we have menus for McDonalds, Pizza Express & Wetherspoons and are working our way through another half dozen chain restaurants/cafes around the UK.

Got a restaurant you want added? Let us know!

The PLUS subscription gives you unlimited food label scans, a full breakdown of restaurant menu ingredients, information on all recipes & smart-suggests alternative ingredients based on your allergies. Start your 7 day free trial today!