App and Website Update

It has been a while since the last blog post and there have been a huge amount of updates, so here is a quick run-through of what has changed.


  • Added a new “Drinks” category
  • Nutrition information has been made more accurate (PRO members)
  • Mealeez will now let you know what alternative ingredients are NOT recommended for a particular recipe (and there are explainer notes to explain why) (PRO members)
  • Alternative ingredients can now show information specific to a particular recipe, such as why a type of milk is more suited than others (PRO members)
  • Tapping on any instruction under the “Method” tab will mark the method as complete. Tap again to remove.
  • On the website, there is now an ability to copy/paste code from the “share” menu, enabling you to embed a recipe on your own website.
  • On the website, it is now faster to navigate between Ingredients/Method/Comments.
  • Various UI & haptic feedback improvements.

Food Items (PRO)

  • New stores have been added (B&M, Ocado, Waitrose)

Food Label Scanner

  • Scanner has been made more accurate
  • There are now over 3,700 food ingredients listed in the database.
  • Added the ability to upload a photo from your device to be scanned (app only)
  • Added the ability to get additional label scans by watching an ad (free users only, PRO users have unlimited scans)


  • Added menus from LEON, Five Guys, Taco Bell, Krispy Kreme, Domino’s Pizza & Wendy’s
  • Now showing restaurants in over 5,700 locations across the UK
  • Added information showing when menu was last reviewed
  • Added button to view the most current menu from a restaurant’s website
  • Tapping a menu item now shows ingredients regardless if there is an allergen present or not, giving you additional confidence it has been checked correctly (PRO members).
  • Menu ingredient scanner has been made more accurate
  • Various UI & haptic feedback improvements

Account Details

  • Dropped requirement to input date of birth on your account
  • Added option to Delete Account
  • Improved Help area
  • Various UI improvements

Share Allergy QR Code (PRO)

  • This now only shows major allergen groups you have highlighted
  • Added headings for each ingredient to make it easier to search
  • Various UI improvements

Website Specific Changes

  • Added ability to create/edit/delete additional profiles in your account
  • Added ability to switch profiles
  • Introduced a dark theme (matches your OS setting)
  • There is now an ability to copy/paste code from the “share” menu, enabling you to embed a recipe on your own website.
  • It is now faster to navigate between Ingredients/Method/Comments

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